Sep 8, 2009

Euro Trip - Part 1 Food and all

Well days passed by and I now managed to reach department in 5 mins:) and now I was feeling much happy to be there. At the time of depositing my rent for two months, warden broke the news to me that I had to register to the police that I will be here for two months. Another formality means another head back to roam around and search for the police station was not that exactly I wanted at that that I didn't know that the offices are also very very punctual of time I reached, after again searching for an hour and the women in charge said that I am 5 mins late so I should come tomorrow...huh!
Well as and when the days were passing by I ran out of my storage of food like 'khakhras','Maggi' etc so finally it was my turn to do what I had not done in my entire life. I only went to kitchen for eating but this time it was me who had to cook so after asking the whole recipe from my mother via e-mail I cooked my first meal the 'daal chawal' and I didn't expected it to be tasty, but it turned out to be eatable, I will not brag about my cooking skills but...well the food as the time passed by turned out to be good(as u can see from the pic)
I sat out to work very hard. And one of the time pass was also to plan my euro trip which turned out to be much more difficult considering less amount of funds and more amount of opportunities and places to visit. People buy Euro rail pass to roam around but I opted for Global pass of 159euros plus the reservation fees. So I finally planned for Italy tour first keeping in mind my interest for exploring the cultural part of the place. My department was having some construction so I went to Salzburg for one day rather a few hours just like that without any planning whatsoever...just packed my bag and caught the next train available.

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