Sep 11, 2009

Euro Trip - Part 1 Italy Tour start mishap

now just after coming back from Salzburg I has to work till 9 in the evening..:( well it was not bothering me so much because I was about to depart for Italy. It was in the evening 8:20 I had to catch the train for Bruk Mur. and then from there to the city of culture Rome. I came back 5:30 in the evening and took a long long bath, as this pleasure will not be available for next three days. Had dinner and then took a temporary sim and then started for taking a tram to Hauptbanhof.
Fate has turned his face from me and everything planned was going against me from the moment I stepped out of my apartment.
The lift took 15mins, which generally takes 5min to come and 30seconds to take me from 14th floor to ground floor, well you never know what can happen.
I then realized that I can miss my train if I don't hurry up. I came to the tram station and to my bad luck the tram no. 3 and 6 were not running that day, which goes directly to the station...of course I didn't know that so I took the tram for Jakominiplatz, the center of the city and was cursing each and every person who were coming and going out of that tram taking a few precious mins of my rush hour.
I reached Jakominplatz and then started running towards the next tram station panting hardly, reached there and then took tram no 1 which goes via station. Each and every second prooved to me more longer than I expected.
People say that if you want to ask the importance of 1 sec you should ask a swimmer if you want to ask the importance of 1 hour you should ask a Olympic runner but if you want to ask the importance of catching a train then you should ask Ankur Singhal. As I said in Europe if the train s scheduled to go on 8:20 then it will depart at 8:20 no delays.

8:18 the gate opened and I started running..pusing a lady out...I shouted sorry, well it didn't came out that loud but was enough to apologize at that moment

8:19 I crossed the main road and still running panting hard enough to blow somebody out

8:20 I reached the gates of the station..still hoping to catch the train

8:21 I was looking at the display chart and to my horror surprise and utter confusion the train that I was looking was not on the charts..I am doomed

8:22 with still some hope left I reached the inquiry counter which was about to close down..I asked the guy for the train to Bruk Mur. he finally said the thing which I didn't want to hear...
2 mins are 2 mins late...
And suddenly all the things came rushing to my mind..and world stood still for a few mind stopped working, nothing to do, nowhere to go and nobody to help me out...
There was nothing that I could do and now the only option was to take a cab for Bruk mur.
The connecting train to Rome was an hour from that I had to take some quick decisions. I came out of that place and hit the road with a cab which took 60 euros to save me a loss of 159+47 euros and in 45 mins I reached Bruk mur. and to my utter surprise the train was an hour late, the trains which are on time is an hour late. What do you call at that time you all know.

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