Apr 25, 2010


              Long await, awfully wanted, terribly desired and eagerly desirous came today. News that make my heart going O LA LA LE LO. Nothing matches with a day full of events and an evening with lots of congratulations and asking for party destinations. I was ready to do anything which makes me do weeeeeeeee. It came finally with a bang and that too struck right in the middle of the bulls’ eye. I was so comfortably numb after a long time of desperate desperation that bliss is not the proper word to quote it. After the grueling experience of going through what can be said as the most haphazard day of my life it was expected to bring joy and happiness. I was not only waiting to write it down on every social networking site proudly but also to tell everybody that I am placed as of now.
             It all started with simple information that TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES is calling our college to Kota Engineering College for placements this year after a long time. We all pumped ourselves in the middle of our busy schedules of projects and seminars to collect our folders with a smile on our face and formal clothes like an armor to set for the mission of being called as an earning hand of the family and not the dependent one for a change. Tickets were confirmed for the sleeper in V.K.Jain, very interesting story but now is the time to focus. But Mr. Fate as they say it couldn’t control its emotions for me and set me like a free bird. I hired a cab without knowing that the driver is drunk as if he doesn’t want to live again. But I came to know that in a very short period of time when he “accidently” put out the cab on the middle divider and it tilted by a large angle. But I want to live and that too for a long time. I want to grow old with someone and earn a lot of money. Ah well I think I have again diverted from the main topic. So Mr. Fate heard my pledge of being in the existence for a while and the cab came to the grounds safely. On my repeated request the cab driver set me free now safely. We set out for the most happening city in India, Kota, my long term desire of seeing it again after 4 years, Mr. Fate have definitely decided to fulfill my desires I guess. But not so easily bus got late and we had to rush through the winds and make our own path to my friends house and then again to the college where we were informed that the process is not going to start till 11o’ clock. Well there is nothing much that we can do except for waiting. So we waited for our future to be told by someone else which in the corporate world it is called as PPT (pre placement talk). Impressive and convincing at the same time. We were given number for the station for our online examination and luckily I got 007. Yes the license to kill and I did the justice to it. How on earth can I let down Double O Seven. We again waited and that too for a very very long time or may be as it seems at that time as we didn’t see what was stored for us after that.
                       Positive result, and we were happy to say that we at least appeared for interviews. But for our shock we were informed that the interviews are going to be held at the same day and we were not given enough time.
I was tensed and my anxiety was answered shortly with the call for the first round of interview which was technical which I can still not sure went good. Anyway we waited and asked all the questions to everyone coming out the room and concluded that it is either this way or that way. Well it ended and I don’t have any idea how. So again we waited for our calls and surprisingly my call came early but how would I know the future. I was made to sit for 4.5 hours outside the room or HR Head making me believes that I will be shortly called for interviews. Girls were given preferences and people from other colleges were given preferences before me. I was not optimistic at that time otherwise I would have thought that they are saving the best for the rest. I was exhausted to my soul in the vain hope of getting interviewed. After those hungry four hours I was called and was asked to sit, I managed to make my first impression good by showing some courtesy to let her sit first. Yes HR Head was ma’am in her mid thirties. Now the moment arrived for which I was waiting for a long time to get some consideration for my internship outside India, big thing in my college actually. The interview went for at least an hour and I was asked all the questions that people preach for PIs. What are my strengths and weaknesses? Tell me something about yourself, which is not written in the CV? Describe any situation where you came out as a winner after a long stressful situation? Tell me something about your family background. Why do you want to switch to IT sector? Why TCS? I see that you have taken internship from Austria, tell me something how did that happen? What was the project there (Austria) and what was your task? And the list goes on….
                         Finally it was over and somehow I knew that I will be selected. I was then asked if I would like to wait for the result today in half an hour or I would wait for a day. I couldn’t hesitate to say that I am willing to wait again for an hour rather than a day after such a long time. I was called for the II round which was just a formality and I was asked if I have problems if I will be recruited anywhere in India and this time I was honest to say that I have with some of the southern states because of the language problem. Anyway we got eh information that we will get the result after 2 3 days in our campus so we came home with the one thing that lasts forever…hope! And after 6 days I got the result that I have got it what it takes to be a TCSer.


Unknown said...

bhai kya likte ho yaar...:)

Ankur Singhal said...

Thank you bhai...bas thodi si koshish hai